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Symptoms of Diabetic Foot

  • Changes in Skin Tone and Temperature 
  • Open wounds on the feet that are delayed in recuperating or are depleting
  • Bulging in the foot or lower leg
  • Ingrown toenails or toenails contaminated with growth
  • Dry breaks in the skin, particularly around the heel.
  • Corns or Calluses
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How might I HELP myself? -

• Stop Smoking • Have a Healthy eating regimen • Start Exercise (Brisk walk). Keep away from inactive life and delayed standing. • Wear surgical stockings, assuming your doctor has suggested so. • Keep away from tight garments and utilize comfortable shoes • Safeguard the skin of your legs and look at it cautiously consistently

What is a Diabetic Foot Ulcer? -

A diabetic foot ulcer is an open sore or wound that happens in roughly 15% of patients with diabetes and is generally situated on the lower part of the foot. Of the people who foster a foot ulcer, six percent can be hospitalized because of disease or other ulcer-related entanglements.

Who Can Get a Diabetic Foot Ulcer? -

Any individual who has diabetes can foster a foot ulcer. Mostly older men are bound to promote ulcers. Individuals who use insulin are at a higher gamble of fostering a foot ulcer, as are patients with diabetes-related kidney, eye, and coronary illness. Being overweight and utilizing liquor and tobacco likewise contribute to improving foot ulcers.

How long will it require for the ulcer to HEAL? -

Although most venous ulcers will have healed in something like three months, it will take more time at a nominal rate. Since it has typically required numerous years for the chronic venous insufficiency to cause the ulcer, it isn't business as usual that the ulcer might consume a large chunk of the day to mend. Indeed, even in these safe cases, treatment ought to ultimately find real success.


Choose Us?

You are not alone in your fight against Diabetic Foot. Let us strive together. We have the best team of surgeons who focus on personalized diabetic foot care and aim reach the goal of making the patient diabetic foot free.



KIMS Hospitals have dedicated Podiatric Specialists available all week to provide world-class care for your Diabetic Foot problem. If you are suffering from Diabetic Foot, reach out to us on 7995222430 for an appointment with Dr. Narendranath Meda.

For cost or any other information, please submit the form below.

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