
Dietetics and Nutrition

Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food", prescribed Hippocrates more than 2000 years ago. It is true that the right diet is the best prescription for better health. Food can do more than keeping you healthy. Like the best modern medicines, it can also help heal what ails you. There is no doubt that the right diet is the best prescription for better health. And now we know more than even before about the power of food to prevent, treat, and cure major ailments as well as minor annoyances. Food and Nutrition consultants, at Krishna Institute of Medical Science (KIMS), offer you the information that you can use to look better, function better, feel better and enjoy more years of eating well. The Dietetics Department and Nutrition at Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences formulates the most appropriate nutritional therapy for every patient (both Out-Patient Division and In-Patient Division). Individual requirements are considered through Initial Metabolic, Biochemical and Anthropometric data obtained by Nutritional Assessment of the patient. Another objective of the Dietetics Department is outpatient counselling with a view of educating the patients about the nature of a disease, its hazards, detection and prevention. Advice on individual instructions on diet and specific therapy if required is given. The patient is made aware of the fact that diet plays an important role in the prognosis of a disease and is urged strictly follow the guidelines of diet therapy. Our skilled nutritionists are here to provide:

  • Provide high-quality dietetic services to the residents of KIMS.
  • Use evidence based practice to ensure effective therapies and treatments
  • Work to the highest professional standards

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