
Liver Diseases Centre

At the KIMS Liver Clinic, specialists provide patients with comprehensive, coordinated care including the diagnosis and treatment of all liver diseases, as well as evaluation for liver transplantation and post-operative follow up.

Conditions such as viral hepatitis B or C, fatty liver disease, autoimmune liver disease and hemochromatosis can increase the risk for developing cirrhosis and liver cancer. Our goals are slowing, stopping and curing these conditions so that they do not progress to more serious medical illnesses. At the liver disease clinic, liver specialists work with patients to closely monitor and manage their condition.

The clinic is made up of a comprehensive team of specialists in hepatology, surgical oncology, medical oncology and interventional radiology to provide patients with the highest level of care. Cancers and benign tumors are accurately identified, staged and monitored by our advanced endoscopy unit and diagnostics team in Gastroenterology. The liver clinic helps patients fight primary malignancies and metastases in new and aggressive ways. Specialists routinely perform complex surgeries of the liver, pancreas and bile ducts alongside radiotherapy and administer advanced chemotherapies. We are equipped with sophisticated GI imaging and endoscopic capabilities and advanced pain management techniques.

Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences(KIMS) knows the importance of each and every organ such as the liver. KIMS has built a different Liver Care Hospital in Hyderabad to offer extensive treatment for a variety of liver diseases as any best liver diseases hospital in Kondapur. As a liver care hospital in Hyderabad we deal with multiple disorders associated with the liver such as viral hepatitis B or C, autoimmune liver disease, liver cancer, fatty liver disease and hemochromatosis. There are various causes of liver disease such as :

1. Viral infections cause hepatitis A, B and C.

2. The issue in the immune system impacts the liver and may cause autoimmune hepatitis and biliary cholangitis.

3. Sometimes liver problems are caused due to inherited genetic conditions, for instance, wilson disease and hemochromatosis.

4. Cancer may cause abnormal cells to reproduce in the liver.

6. Alcohols and fatty food also develop problems in the liver.

KIMS: Top Hepatology Hospital in Kondapur

The goal for any best liver diseases hospital in Kondapur should be the best aid for the liver health of the people. Moreover, one will observe how a top hepatology hospital in Kondapur provides care to its patients- which is at the highest degree.

Our objective is to show its result by stopping, curing or slowing the liver conditions and preventing these conditions from developing into further serious disorders. Any top hepatology hospital in Kondapur will have a team of liver specialists who work closely with the patients to monitor and manage their conditions and prepare a suitable plan for them. We have a comprehensive team of experts who specialises in hepatology, medical and surgical oncology, as well as interventional radiology. KIMS believe it is necessary to prepare for everything and exhaustively examine the patient.

Our advanced endoscopy unit and diagnostics team in Gastroenterology works with dedication and closely monitors patients to check if the patients are suffering from any injury, kind of cancer or benign tumours along with the stage of its development. As the liver care hospital in Hyderabad, we nurse the patients throughout their recovery from primary malignancies and metastases with the help of our latest technologies, and appropriate procedures as per the patient's requirement.

Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences, have highly qualified transplant surgeons to treat people with liver failure and other issues of liver disorders. However, the liver-donor transplant, due-diligence towards the care of the patient, minimally invasive techniques and various treatment procedures are numerous reasons our patients turn up to us.

There are various characteristics which make one liver hospital in Kondapur the best liver hospital in Kondapur such as the specialists of the hospital, cost of the faculty, infrastructure, treatments and procedures provided by the hospital.


1. What are the symptoms of liver disease?

Truly speaking, liver diseases may not show any major signs or symptoms in general cases for a person to doubt the issue of liver disease. However, some of the common symptoms noted when the signs were shown by liver diseases are as follows:

i. Pain or swelling in the abdomen

ii. Jaundice may cause skin and eyes to appear yellowish

iii. Legs or ankles may also swell up.

2. What is the diagnosis procedure in the liver?

Generally, liver disease at KIMS is diagnosed using procedures such as:

i. Blood tests: It measures the level of liver enzymes which help in the working of the liver.

ii. Liver biopsy: It included the observation of the liver tissue.

iii. Imaging tests: Ultrasound, MRI, and CT scan are used to determine the internal functioning of the liver.



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