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Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Salt is an essential component in food. It cannot be consumed without it. Salt, when consumed with proper salt to potassium ratio, doesn’t cause any health issues. Salt is indeed necessary for the body as well and not just for the taste it gives. The two elements in salt are sodium and chloride. Natural salt is comprised of 84% of sodium chloride and 16% natural minerals such as silicon, phosphorous and vanadium. While processed salt has 97% of sodium chloride and other man-made chemicals such as moisture absorbents and flow agent chemicals like ferrocyanide, aluminosilicate and a small portion of iodine. Moreover salt loses its natural chemical structure as it is heated at 1200 degrees of Fahrenheit.

The cardiology doctors in Hyderabad recommend the usage of natural salt as it contains important minerals that are needed by the body. The role played by natural salt in the human body includes:

  • Salt is a major component in the blood plasma
  • It helps in carrying nutrients into and out of the cells
  • Acid-Base balance is well maintained
  • Helps in the production of glial cells in the brain
  • Helps in maintaining the blood pressure
  • Supports the functions of Adrenal glands.

Does salt really lead to heart disease?

The foods sold in restaurants or the ones made at home or the processed foods are rich in fructose and sodium. As studied and observed there’s a huge difference between the natural salt and the processed salt that can cause an imbalance in the functioning of the human body. A heart-healthy diet should include a proper balance in salt and potassium content. However high usage of processed salt can lead to health issues such as:

  • Fluid retention
  • High blood pressure
  • Swelling of your limbs
  • Shortness of breath
  • Kidney and heart disease
  • Heart attacks and strokes
  • Osteoporosis
  • Kidney stones
  • Erectile dysfunctions
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

What measures can be taken to prevent a heart disease that’s so linked to salt?

Studies have shown that the high intake of processed salt is a threat to the heart and causes other diseases in the long run. The professionals at the sodium and heart care advise on following a low intake of natural salt and others such as:

  • Maintaining a potassium and sodium ratio in your diet
  • Avoid processed foods as they are rich in sodium and fructose and low in potassium
  • Potassium regulates blood pressure and maintains a proper pH level in the fluids. Hence consume foods rich in potassium such as lima beans, water squash, cooked spinach and avocado
  • Do not consume processed foods at all
  • Switch to organic foods that are grown locally and use them in your diet for your main meals
  • Consume fruits such as papayas, prunes, and bananas
  • Consume loads of green vegetables such as broccoli, sprouts, asparagus, and pumpkin

Why K.I.M.S.?

The Cardiology specialists in Hyderabad ensure you follow a proper diet and monitor your health from head to toe when you are diagnosed with heart disease. KIMS suggests the cardiology treatment in Hyderabad for the fact that its specialists have handled many cases and give treatment by adapting the latest techniques of medical science.



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