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Dr. Mohammed Sadiq Azam, Monday, October 28, 2019

What is a heart attack?

When the blood flow is blocked one encounters a heart attack. Your cardiologist is the best one to tell you if it’s a myocardial infarction or acute coronary disease syndrome for your unstable angina.

Unstable Angina is a serious issue- See why?

When the blood flow is restricted to the heart it could be Angina. Chest pain or pressure in the chest is the symptoms of Angina.

Stable Angina:

When you exercise or you are having any sort of physical activity your heart works harder and reduces once you relax is a state of Stable Angina.

Unstable Angina:

The symptoms are noticed even when you are relaxing and you feel uneasiness in the chest then it’s a state of unstable Angina.


Heart Attacks are a resultant of restricted blood flow to the heart. The fatty deposits develop inside of the arteries called plaque. These plaques when they open up form clots. The clots restrict the flow of blood and oxygen into the heart. This is called Coronary Artery disease. A heart attack is the first sign of Coronary Artery disease.


  • Sweating
  • Chest pain
  • Shortness in the breath
  • Pain /pressure in the back, neck, jaw or belly
  • Sudden weakness
  • Irregular heartbeat

Unstable angina has symptoms similar to a heart attack.

What should you do if you think you are having a heart attack?

If you observe any symptoms of a heart attack don’t panic, act fast. Immediate treatment can save your life.

  • Take nitroglycerine
  • Call emergency services and tell your symptoms
  • The operator will probably ask you to take an aspirin to prevent a blood clot
  • Do not drive wait for an ambulance

An ambulance is always a source of immediate help as the paramedics will start the treatment to help you recover from a possible heart attack

How is heart attack treated?

The paramedics in the ambulance will give you life-saving drugs such as-

  • Aspirin and Thrombolytics to prevent blood clots
  • Medicines to ease pressure in the heart and regulate blood flow normally

Once you reach the hospital you will be asked to take up certain tests-

ECG: Shows the damage in heart muscles, poor blood pressure, and other heart symptoms

Blood tests: Shows the presence of Cardiac enzymes in blood

Cardiac Catheterization: Shows blocks in arteries and the functioning of the heart.

If Cardiac Catheterization shows a block the cardiologist would recommend angioplasty or bypass surgery.

How is heart attack treated?

Take your medicines regularly. If you stop taking your medicines your chances of having another heart attack is higher. Participate in a cardiac rehab program. It educates you about the risks, the diet and exercise patterns a heart patient has to follow.

Can you prevent a heart attack?

  • Quit smoking
  • Follow a healthy diet.
  • Exercise Regularly
  • Lose weight if it needs.

Do not ignore heart disease. The Cardiology specialists at Hyderabad ensure that you get the best of the treatment and start a fresh life.



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