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Dr. G. Ravikanth, Thursday, October 24, 2019


Given the heart's never-ending workload, it's a wonder it performs so well, for so long, for so many people. But it can also fail, brought down by a poor diet and lack of exercise, smoking, infection, unlucky genes, and more. A healthy lifestyle and a heart healthy diet, especially when started at a young age, goes a long way to preventing cardiovascular disease. Lifestyle changes and medications can nip heart-harming trends, like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, in the bud before they cause damage and keep heart health intact.


Some of the myths associated with heart health are:

Myth: The peak hours for sudden cardiac death (SCD) are between 6 a.m. and 10 a.m.

Fact: Doctors believe that patients susceptible to heart attacks are more probable to get sudden cardiac arrest in morning times. Morning heart attacks had previously been linked to levels of circulating cortisol, which increases before awakening. A more recent study suggests an alternative protein (KLF15) may be the cause. It was found that when the KLF15 levels are low upon waking, the risk for heart attack was greater; people with heart disease have lower levels of this protein.

Myth: The pain in my legs must be a sign of aging and would have nothing to do with my heart.

Fact: This idea is false. There is a condition called peripheral arterial disease (PAD) which happens as a result of plaque and cholesterol build-up in the arteries throughout the body, not just your coronary arteries. This can gradually restrict the blood flow to your legs and arms and vital organs. When the arteries leading to your legs narrow, you may feel pain, cramping or weakness in your legs. Often you will feel it in the calves when you are exerting yourself. Having PAD increases your risk for coronary artery disease (CAD). Narrowed arteries can cause both PAD and CAD, and often physicians will use the same medications to treat and manage both diseases.

Myth: Drinking water at a certain time of day maximizes its effectiveness on the body and can prevent heart attack.

Truth: This rumour has been circulating on Facebook and some supporting articles. Claims say drinking water in the morning just after waking up helps to activate the internal organs. Others say a glass of water before going to bed helps you avoid stroke or heart attack. There are many things that each of us can and should do to maximize health. Drinking water instead of a full calorie soda is a great way to keep excess weight off. But there is no data to suggest that “when” you drink water matters. Choose water over most other drinks. But don’t schedule your drinking according to a fictitious claim that the time you drink it matters.

For any heart concerns, the best bet is to visit cardiologists at well-known hospitals like KIMS to sort out your doubts rather than assuming the worst or self-diagnosis using google.


KIMS, one of the best cardiac specialist hospitals in Hyderabad, has always advised its patients to maintain heat health. It is recognized for having the best heart wellness centres in Hyderabad, that gives regular seminars on keeping heart healthy with healthy food and healthy diet. For serious concerns our best cardiologist specialist in Hyderabad is always available for even the most simple as well as the most complex cases.



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