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Dr. S. Mohan Das, Friday, November 8, 2019

Parkinson’s disease gets worse as age advances. Hence, a comprehensive medical team is necessary to help him face the disease with all its complications. The medical team should consist of the following Parkinson’s disease specialists.

Primary Care Provider (P.C.P.):

The immediate investigation in almost all cases is conducted by a general physician. Likewise the same is with Parkinson’s. He will usually refer you to a specialist and receive updates from him about your Parkinson’s disease and overall health.


A neurologist is the one who treats diseases like Sclerosis, Parkinson’s and other nerve related disorders that links to brain,spinal cord and neck areas.

Movement Disorder Specialist:

Parkinson’s disease treatment is well analysed by a movement disorder specialist. He would have been exclusively trained on the complications and severity of the disease. These are neurologists who have expertise on the disease treatment and you will find them in medical centres relentlessly working on the eradication of the disease.


Nurses are your immediate resource of help and sometimes even replace the healthcare specialist. Such is their training and experience. Hence, it becomes essential to have a nurse at all times.


They provide additional help and work as per the directions given by the physician or the primary care provider.

  • Neuropsychologist: A neuropsychologist is a professional who analyses the brain function with respect to his behaviour and responses to situations.
  • Psychologist: A psychologist counsels the patient and the members of his family about the disease so that they can understand and interact with him at ease.
  • Psychiatrist: More often a disease has a toll on its patient’s mental health. A psychiatrist helps him deal with anxiety and depression or other mental conditions which requires a separate treatment altogether.
  • Nutritionists: A nutritionist will propose you a healthy diet for your health condition based on your concerns like your weight or problems with swallowing or chewing.
  • Pathologist: A speech-language pathologist will help you improve your speech and eating problems.
  • Pharmacist: A pharmacist records the prescriptions of the patients and counsels him about the possible side effects of the medications. It’s always safe to buy the medicines at the same pharmacy as they can keep a track and retrieve the information.
  • Physical Therapist: A therapist through his unique exercises for every type of patient helps him deal with problems related to his movements, posture and balance.
  • Occupational Therapist: Parkinson’s disease will gradually make the patient unable to handle the daily activities. An occupational therapist helps you deal with your body all by yourself without making you dependent for the daily needs.
  • Social worker: A social worker helps you through your other concerns like payment of bills, insurances or housing matters as it becomes difficult for the patient himself to do these routine things.
  • Other specialists: If your physician recommends for a brain stimulation surgery then a neuro surgeon is also included on the team for your comprehensive care.



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