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Monday, November 4, 2019

Liver and its functions

The liver is the most important organ in our body. It Functions many vital functions needed for the body. The liver breaks down the food we eat and supplies it to all parts of the body. It produces bile that aids digestion. It detoxifies the blood that is supplied to all organs of the body. Maintaining our liver health is very important as any long term damage to the liver may cause the eventual death of the person.

Liver Conditions that may warrant transplants

Liver transplantation is the last resort that is suggested by doctors. The liver may be completely damaged and is not in the position to perform its functions normally which may be a serious life-threat to the patient. The Main conditions why a person may need a liver transplant are:

Chronic viral hepatitis types A, B, C, and D&E: The Liver cells may contract a viral infection of hepatitis which causes inflammation of the liver. Yellow jaundice or white Jaundice may cause extreme scarring to the liver which may not be reversed, and the liver needs to be transplanted. Certain infections that may affect the entire body may cause extreme liver inflammation like herpes, cytomegalovirus. HCV or HBV, yellow jaundice or white jaundice that does not heal with medications may cause liver cell damage.

Autoimmune Hepatitis: The body starts attacking its own liver cells, mistaking them to be foreign bodies which may lead to cell damage or inflammation of the liver leading to cirrhosis of the liver.

Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver disease: Fat accumulation in the liver leads to a fatty liver. The fatty liver condition may worsen and lead to end-stage liver disease. NASH or Non-steato Hepatitis is fast becoming a leading cause or liver cirrhosis and ultimately death.

Cryptogenic Cirrhosis: There is no known or apparent reason why the liver scars itself. All of a sudden the liver starts scarring itself; this condition is known as cryptogenic cirrhosis.

Biliary cirrhosis: In biliary cirrhosis, the biliary duct gets blocked due to gall stones or as an autoimmune reaction leading to cirrhosis of the liver.

Laennec’s Cirrhosis: alcohol abuse scars the liver permanently; this is an irreversible condition which warrants liver transplant.

Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis: PSC is a rare condition wherein the bile ducts become progressively and extensively damaged by inflammation, resulting in scarring, narrowing and obstruction to the flow of bile secretion. This obstruction may always lead to jaundice (yellowing of the eyes and skin), itch and fat malabsorption or miss absorption. The damage to the bile ducts may result in irreversible cirrhosis leading to the necessity of liver transplant.

Caroli’s disease: Caroli’s disease is again a rare liver condition which is usually genetically inherited. In this condition, the bile ducts become dilated or there may be cyst formations leading to scarring of the liver.

Choledochal Cyst: It is a congenital disorder, choledochal cyst forms usually because of a structurally flawed bile duct. Bile collects in the abnormal duct and forms a cyst, or sack, which blocks the bile from reaching the intestine as it normally, does. Instead of passing through to the intestine, the bile goes back into the liver, which is a potential reason for cirrhosis of the liver.

Other causes include exposure to toxins life fungicides, herbicides, acute liver failure due to extensive use of pain killers, neuroendocrine tumors or hepatocellular carcinoma, Wilson’s disease, hemochromatosis, slow-growing metastatic gastrointestinal tumors lead to the need for liver transplants. Some genetically inherited disorders such as Alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency, cystic fibrosis, and glycogen storage disease may warrant the need for liver transplant. Hepatic trauma or injury to the liver in an accident may warrant the need for liver transplant. The presence of many cysts in the liver may cause acute liver failure thereby warranting a liver transplant.

KIMS is a specialty hospital for liver care. KIMS has the best liver care doctors in Hyderabad. Many cases of acute liver failures have been referred to KIMS from all parts of India. We offer step by step liver care to our patients and ensure a smooth recovery. We have successfully accomplished liver transplants from live donors as well as cadaver liver transplants in certain critical cases. In India, liver diseases are on the rise due to alcohol abuse, or lifestyle changes. There are about 150 to 170 liver transplants done ever year and about 4000 to 5000 patients awaiting donors. KIMS strictly adheres to the organ transplantation act and follows ethical practices in the treatment of liver diseases and liver transplants. KIMS is a tried and trusted liver disease care center in India. At KIMS we vouch for liver care at its best. KIMS has emerged as a leading liver transplant hospital in India due to its ethical practices and relentless effort the best liver care and liver transplant specialists. KIMS, Secunderabad, has the distinction of being the best liver care centre as well as liver transplant centre in southern India



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