Surgical Oncology

Multiple Myeloma Treatment Cost

What is Multiple Myeloma?

Multiple myeloma, also referred to as Kahler's disease is a type of blood cancer. Therapy can help slow the disease's course and occasionally even get rid of symptoms even though there is no cure. A malignancy known as multiple myeloma develops in a type of white blood cell known as a plasma cell. White blood cells called plasma cells create antibodies that the body uses to combat illnesses. The Multiple Myeloma Treatment Cost in Hyderabad depends upon various factors. You must contact the doctor before knowing the multiple myeloma surgery cost in Hyderabad.

But before knowing the multiple myeloma surgery cost in Hyderabad there are some other important things to know about. When you have multiple myeloma, these cells multiply improperly. They let too much immunoglobulin, a type of protein, enter your blood and bones. Your body accumulates it, which damages your organs. The bone marrow is where you'll mostly find plasma cells. The soft tissue within bones is called bone marrow. Normal bone marrow serves as the home for red, white, and platelet blood cells in addition to plasma cells.

Symptoms of Multiple Myeloma:

  • Loss of interest

  • Low levels of blood

  • Low RBCs cause anaemia with low Hb, which causes weakness when performing daily duties such as walking.

  • Decreased WBCs resulting in disease susceptibility

  • Reduced platelets result in haemorrhage

  • Bone pain is currently the most common symptom, affecting roughly 70% of patients.

  • High amounts of calcium resulting in diarrhoea, increased thirst, dizziness, nausea, constipation

  • Kidney failure or damage brought on by excessive protein buildup or calcium levels.

Multiple Myeloma Treatment

The Multiple Myeloma Treatment Cost in Hyderabad varies from place to place. So before getting the treatment, you must be aware of the multiple myeloma surgery cost in Hyderabad. As the treatment may affect the multiple myeloma cancer treatment price in Hyderabad. Based on your symptoms and the severity of your illness, medical professionals will manage your multiple myeloma. People with MGUS, for instance, typically don't require treatment, but their doctor will carefully check their general health. They might also come up with a course of action so they can act fast should symptoms appear.

If you experience symptoms brought on by multiple myeloma, medical professionals might employ some of the following treatments:

  1. Infection therapy –

    • Targeted drug therapy for infection therapy focuses on specific defects in cancer cells that give them the ability to survive.

    • Palliative care: Biological care employs the immune system of the patient to combat myeloma cells. Typically, pills are used to take these medications.

  2. Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy medications quickly eliminate cancerous cells like myeloma cells.

    • Although it is not a cure, it does increase overall survival and complete remission.

    • Allergenic stem cell transplantation involves transferring the stem cells of a healthy person to an allergic patient.

    • Radiation therapy: During radiation therapy, powerful energy beams obliterated the myeloma cells.

  3. Supportive Therapy:

    • Treat anaemia

    • Bone pain and fractures, use of bisphosphonates

    • Getting enough water to avoid calcium buildup and kidney impairment

  4. Relapse Treatment:

    Perennial myeloma, also known as relapsed myeloma, is a kind of myeloma that returns after a period of being under control following therapy. Anti-myeloma drugs are used to treat this recurrence.


  1. Why do you need to know about the multiple myeloma cancer treatment price in Hyderabad?

    Before starting treatment, it is crucial to understand how much Multiple Myeloma Treatment Cost in Hyderabad. KIMS will assemble a group of medical professionals from various specialities to treat patients holistically. These medical experts work together to develop a treatment plan for each patient

  2. How is a bone marrow transplant is performed?

    A stem cell transplant also referred to as a bone marrow transplant, is a procedure that swaps out unhealthy bone marrow for injured bone marrow. A bone marrow transplant is preceded by the collection of blood stem cells. Chemotherapy in high doses is then used to kill the damaged bone marrow. After being injected into your body, the stem cells travel to your bones and start the process of repairing bone marrow.

  3. What multiple myeloma therapy has the highest rate of success?

    It has been demonstrated that radiation therapy can effectively treat multiple myeloma in certain circumstances and/or lessen the side effects of bone disease. Radiation therapy uses high-energy particles or rays to kill cancer cells and stop them from growing. Other names for radiation therapy include radiotherapy, X-ray therapy, and irradiation.

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