Heart And Lung Transplant Center

About Us

Greetings from the KIMS Heart & Lung Transplant Institute. I am Dr. Sandeep Attawar the Founding Director of the Institute. Lung transplantation undeniably stands as the only proven therapy for end-stage severe lung disease. 

Within our transplant centres, you will find some of the top specialists in the nation in the areas of heart failure, cardiac & lung transplant, and mechanical cardiac assist. We performed our successful first heart transplant in 2012. This was preceded by some pioneering work in the field of lung transplants in adults, suffering from a variety of terminal lung conditions. This work was without precedent in the sub-continent and we are acknowledged torchbearers in the field. If the current pace continues, we could perform approximately 80 heart, lung, and combined Heart-Lung transplants this year. Incidentally, our team is also recognized as a leader in the implantation of ventricular assist devices (VADs) in adults and children. We are the only team in Asia-Pacific that works on a remotely monitored LVAD, empowering patients and physicians alike with long term remote monitoring and continued individualized care. Our outcomes following heart, lung transplants, and ventricular assist device implants are the best in the country. At our centre, you will be treated by some of the most experienced physicians in their fields. You will meet one-on-one with one of our experienced specialists and support staff, who will get to know all your medical needs and you as an individual. By getting to know you and your family well, we can tailor a highly personalized treatment plan and provide the assistance and encouragement you and your family need, both medically and emotionally. In addition to our specialists, our team of nurse practitioners, nurses, social workers, and dietitians will provide you with a high level of support and personal attention. We, prioritize working closely with your primary care doctor, pulmonologist, and cardiologist back home, to chart the best diagnostic and treatment strategy for you over the long-term, helping you to receive exceptional and continuous care close to your home. We also have a Transplant EMR with a mobile app that allows the true power of personalized and precision medicine. The Transplant app allows ongoing care and monitoring, combining the power of Artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to chart the course of your post-transplant care, wherever in the world you may reside. We are in the business of caring for you and your needs in the present and long term.

Do contact us if you need more information.

Dr. Attawar Sandeep M.D

Founder Director & Chair of Advanced Heart failure, Terminal Lung Disease & the Solid Thoracic organ Transplant Program.

KIMS Institute of Heart, Lung Transplantation & Assist Devices.

Our team of

Expert Doctors

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Our Doctors

Dr Srinivasa Kumar Ravipati

Heart And Lung Transplant Center

Dr. Vijil Rahulan

Heart And Lung Transplant Center

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Our Patients

Mrs. Buthina Elmamoun

Heart And Lung Transplant Center

Mrs. Nenutamvuni Muyanalo Margaret

Heart And Lung Transplant Center

Mrs. Nenutamvuni Muyanalo Margaret

Heart And Lung Transplant Center



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