Heart And Lung Transplant Center

Be in touch

Be in touch 

This document was designed to provide you with an overview of the lung transplantation process. This document is intended to start the conversation, not end it. Please feel free to reach out to our team whenever you have questions. Keep your family, friends, and loved ones informed about the procedure. Some people find it helpful to speak to patients who have undergone lung transplantation, and if that is of interest to you the team can help make that happen. Keep the conversation open and let the people around you help you in this difficult time.

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Our team of

Expert Doctors

Hear it from

Our Doctors

Dr Srinivasa Kumar Ravipati

Heart And Lung Transplant Center

Dr. Vijil Rahulan

Heart And Lung Transplant Center

Hear it from

Our Patients

Mrs. Buthina Elmamoun

Heart And Lung Transplant Center

Mrs. Nenutamvuni Muyanalo Margaret

Heart And Lung Transplant Center

Mrs. Nenutamvuni Muyanalo Margaret

Heart And Lung Transplant Center



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